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Cadernos de História da Educação
versão impressa ISSN 1982-7806versão On-line ISSN 1982-7806
BICA, Alessandro Carvalho e CORSETTI, Berenice. The pedagogical municipality and constitution of the municipal educational system in the administration of Carlos Cavalcanti Mangabeira (1925-1929) in Bagé, RS, Brazil. Cad. Hist. Educ. [online]. 2016, vol.15, n.3, pp.1055-1077. ISSN 1982-7806.
This article is result of the PhD research: The Systematization of Public Education in the Municipal Government of Carlos Cavalcanti Mangabeira (1925-1929) in the city of Bagé/RS. In this sense, aims dialogue about the process of setting the county educational system and educational city in the third decade of the First Republic in the city of Bagé/RS, as well as discussing the role of the municipality as a promoter of primary, secondary, artistic and physics. In this sense, the process of reconstruction of the history of educational politics designed and/or implemented by the Stewardship Carlos Cavalcanti Mangabeira (1925-1929), we subsidize our analyzes based on Intendenciais reports, budget reports and news published by journals published in the city Bagé through the prism of historical-critical methodology, providing a framework empirical able to articulate the relationship between written and non- written documents.
Palavras-chave : City Pedagogical; Educational System Municipal; Public Policy Education.