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Cadernos de História da Educação

On-line version ISSN 1982-7806


PEREIRA, Sueli Menezes. The educational reforms in the 1920s in Brazil and the primary teacher training policies. Cad. Hist. Educ. [online]. 2020, vol.19, n.1, pp.271-292.  Epub Mar 30, 2020. ISSN 1982-7806.

The text is about the educational reformation in São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul States in the decade of 1920, having as focus the politics of education of elementary school teachers in Brazil. It is the result of a historical search of theoretical-documental character, based in legislation as primary source of analyses, this work has as objective to evidence the masked interests of capital in politics of education of elementary teachers in that time. The results evince the conflict between the new and existing, where is identify the focus of reflection that allow to comprehend, in education aspect, the role of elementary teacher, through the stress that are insert in the education in the reality.

Keywords : Educational reforms of the 1920s; Primary teacher education policies; Theory and practice.

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