Serviços Personalizados
Cadernos de História da Educação
versão On-line ISSN 1982-7806
SILVA, Katiene Nogueira da e CATANI, Denice Barbara. The history of evaluation and teaching practices at USP: marks of the French mission in the higher education in São Paulo. Cad. Hist. Educ. [online]. 2020, vol.19, n.3, pp.837-855. Epub 26-Out-2020. ISSN 1982-7806.
This article seeks to contribute to the production of knowledge about Brazilian university culture based on the study of learning assessment practices, taking as sources for research documents from the University of São Paulo, among them the confidential reports of the French mission that helped to found the university. What is presented here is originated from a research that aimed to recover, know and analyze the proposal of evaluation and teaching practices that were in force at the University of São Paulo since its creation, 1934 to 1968, the year of the University Reform.
Palavras-chave : University culture; USP; Assessment and teaching practices.