Cadernos de História da Educação
On-line version ISSN 1982-7806
GUTIERREZ, Laurent. Reinventing cohesion to ensure the legitimacy of his education reform proposals: the example of the International League for New Education (LIEN). Cad. Hist. Educ. [online]. 2021, vol.20, e036. Epub Jan 29, 2022. ISSN 1982-7806.
Divided between the desire of gathering the largest possible number of its members and that of taking the ideological orientation of each one of them into consideration, the New Education Fellowship - NEF was successful in providing itself with a sufficiently consensual image to legitimize its action. The history of this movement teaches us that the difficulties encountered and the solutions proposed for them involved numerous concessions that ended up weakening the scope of its founding principles. This text revisits some episodes of the history of the LIEN between the two World Wars, emphasizing how it worked for cohesion at a time in which the number and nature of its dissensions increased.
Keywords : New Education; New Education Fellowship; congress; Adolphe Ferrière; reform; pedagogues.