Reflexão e Ação
On-line version ISSN 1982-9949
VIEIRA, Marilandi Maria Mascarello and VIEIRA, Josimar de Aparecido. Education of human formation in digital society. Rev. Reflex [online]. 2013, vol.21, n.2, pp.116-134. ISSN 1982-9949.
The objective of this study is to analyze the role of education in societies that are globalized, complex and dominated by new technologies. This article was elaborated based on the literature of scholars such as CARDOSO (2007), OLIVEIRA (2005, 2009), DALBOSCO (2009), GOERGEN (2009), SANTAELLA (2004), DEMO (2007), PIMENTA and ANASTASIOU (2002), among others. Based on this study it was possible to trace a portrait of contemporary society, the process of globalization, especially the formation of large economic blocs, and to analyze the importance of new technologies in the core of society. Based on this scenario it was possible to highlight current challenges for the formation of new generations, especially as regards the school. We concluded that the binomial education - technology still requires further discussions that point to the need for continuous formation of teachers, because even being the protagonists on the formation of the new generation, they have not yet developed the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to form the subjects for the current society.
Keywords : Globalization; Education; Digital Society; Human Formation.