Reflexão e Ação
On-line version ISSN 1982-9949
STRECK, Danilo Romeu. “The intellectual as transgressor”: Richard Shaull and the latin american educational thought. Rev. Reflex [online]. 2017, vol.25, n.2, pp.27-45. ISSN 1982-9949.
The article analyses the contribution of Richard Shaull (1919-2002), a protestant North American theologian and a pioneer of Theology of Liberation, to Latin American pedagogical thought. As a missionary in Colombia and Brazil, between 1942 and 1962, he was profoundly touched by Latin American reality and, at the same time, left important imprints on a generation of young people and kept, since then, dialogue with intellectuals that are reference in Latin American pedagogy: Orlando Fals Borda (1925-2008), Paulo Freire (1921-1996) and Rubem Alves (1933-2014). The text identifies themes where the biographies of these four intellectuals meet, as well as marks of transgression of their thought regarding knowledge and vision of society.
Keywords : Richard Shaull; Paulo Freire; Rubem Alves; Orlando Fals Borda; Latin American Pedagogy.