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Reflexão e Ação

versão On-line ISSN 1982-9949


REYES RAMIREZ, Olga Lucía. Indigenous children in the city: analysis of the state of the art of investigations held in Colombia between 2005 and 2017. Rev. Reflex [online]. 2018, vol.26, n.1, pp.214-229. ISSN 1982-9949.

The article is part of the doctoral thesis of the author. The thesis inquires about the forms of existence of indigenous childhood in the city and the scenarios that have emerged for their education and care. Thus, the present article analyzes the production of scientific articles, master's dissertations, doctoral theses and productions elaborated by research groups in Colombia, which cover the mentioned thematic field. The sources were located through academic search engines. The texts identified were analyzed with emphasis on the thematic approach, the theoretical framework, the methodology and the research findings. In the analysis, it is concluded that the subject is little explored, with anthropology and education being the most interested disciplinary fields. It is evident the need to change the understanding of what it is to be a boy and a girl, as well as the resignification of the idea of indigenous people in the city as a victim, in order to appreciate them as an actor and manager of their own stories.

Palavras-chave : State of the Art; Indigenous Children; Education; City.

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