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Ensino em Re-Vista
versão On-line ISSN 1983-1730
GODOY, Elenilton Vieira; MUSHA, Fernanda Dartora; LIMA, Yasmin Cartaxo e SILVA, Marcio Antonio da. Gender in Mathematics an act of political resistance. Ensino em Re-Vista [online]. 2020, vol.27, n.3, pp.979-1004. Epub 11-Dez-2020. ISSN 1983-1730.
In an unexpected place - math's classes and books - it is possible to discuss gender issues, subverting the conservative logic that seeks to stifle these discussions. Yes, mathematics can be a strategic school discipline so that the non-neutrality of curriculum manifest, setting in motion counter-conduct actions to the power relations stablished by the conservatism of certain portions of Brazilian society. Through some examples that present the results of research carried out by researchers from two brazilian public universities, we intend to answer the question: What can a mathematics curriculum do, regarding discussions about gender issues? These examples should be reverberated, wherever possible, in the school and mathematics' teacher education, eith the intention to experience situations in which mathematics may conflict rather than consensus, in this case, with male domination and women's submissive and modest archetype.
Palavras-chave : Gender; Textbooks; Mathematics; Cultural Studies.