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Ensino em Re-Vista
versión On-line ISSN 1983-1730
MAGALHAES, Solange Martins Oliveira; SOUZA, Tiago Zanquêta de y ARGUELLO, Susana Beatriz. Collaborative research and the process of forming knowledge networks. Ensino em Re-Vista [online]. 2022, vol.29, e003. Epub 08-Jun-2023. ISSN 1983-1730.
The article is based on the experiences of collaborative research in the consolidation of knowledge networks, based on the experience of the Redecentro - Network of Researchers on Teachers in Brazil’s Midwestern Region. It aims to contribute to the debate about the presence of epistemological obstacles that interfere in the processes of metacognition and epistemological surveillance, compromising the social quality of knowledge production. Inspired by the systematization of experiences, we structured the article around two central categories: 1. collaborative and network research, especially in the context of the Redecentro; and 2. the training process of researchers, with focus on the guiding principles of metacognition and epistemological surveillance. We conclude that the collective and collaborative coexistence consolidates a space that is both open and sensitive to the socialization of questions and experiences, in addition to influencing the collaborative-critical sense in carrying out research with more security and autonomy, and thus strengthening emancipatory and humanizing processes, in addition to research networks.
Palabras clave : Collaborative Research; Knowledge Networks; Metacognition; Epistemological surveillance.