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Ensaio Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências

Print version ISSN 1415-2150On-line version ISSN 1983-2117


GABINI, Wanderlei Sebastião  and  DINIZ, Renato Eugênio da Silva. The experience of a group of teachers involving Chemistry teaching and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Ens. Pesqui. Educ. Ciênc. [online]. 2007, vol.9, n.1, pp.09-17. ISSN 1983-2117.

The main goal of this work was to investigate the insertion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as strategy for the Chemistry teaching. During the meetings of a teachers' group of this discipline, had been discussed some subjects as the experiences already lived by them about this subject, the analysis and exploration of softwares, besides the elaboration and application of a proposal of class in the Computer lab of the schools where they acted. It was evident, in this study, the importance of a space where the professor can discuss its practical professional, to plan available didactic actions and to know softwares, as well as the fact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) being a viable resource in the education of Chemistry.

Keywords : chemistry teaching; information and communication technologies (ict); teacher education..

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )