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Ensaio Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências

Print version ISSN 1415-2150On-line version ISSN 1983-2117


MARTINS, Eliecília de Fátima  and  HOFFMANN, Zara. THE GENDER'S PAPERS ON SCIENCES DIDACTIC BOOKS. Ens. Pesqui. Educ. Ciênc. [online]. 2007, vol.9, n.1, pp.106-120. ISSN 1983-2117.

This work accomplishes a reading on gender identities on Sciences didactic books used in first phase of basic education, arguing the presented identitarian inventions. It analyzes the division of the world of the man and the world of the woman, searching to demonstrate how the speeches of these book reaffirm the "masculine" and "feminine" bipolar model in gender relations. It describes and problematizes the functioning of subliminar messages that try to produce distinct identities between men and women by means of a sexualization of the domestic spaces and trade market. In general, didactic books reproduce a spacial division that capture men and women in opposing territories, providing a social and an economic hierarchy between them.

Keywords : gender; didactic book; sexual papers..

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )