Ensaio Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências
Print version ISSN 1415-2150On-line version ISSN 1983-2117
TOLENTINO, Patricia Caldeira and ROSSO, Ademir José. SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS OF UNDERGRADUATES IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES ABOUT BEING A BIOLOGIST AND BEING A TEACHER. Ens. Pesqui. Educ. Ciênc. [online]. 2014, vol.16, n.3, pp.15-34. ISSN 1983-2117. https://doi.org/10.1590/1983-21172014160301.
The paper analyzes the Social Representations (SR) built on everyday routineof undergraduate courses in Biological Sciences. Data were gathered by applying a questionnaire to students from the 1st to the 4th grade (n=138) in 2010. The database was then processed by the softwares EVOC and SIMI. The concepts of habitus, proposed by Bourdieu, of SR, by Moscovici and the central nuclei of SR, by Abric, come as a base to support the present analysis. The central nuclei of the SR of a biologist has been seen as homogeneous around the element researcher. On the other hand, a SR of a teacher has revealed itself as something more abstract and heterogeneous, it is structured around the elements educator and knowledge. Teaching is perceived as a construction rooted in the schooling trajectory and in the knowledge area without significant changes throughout pre-service teacher education.
Keywords : Teaching Education; Social Representations; Sciences and Biology..