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Eccos Revista Científica
versão impressa ISSN 1517-1949versão On-line ISSN 1983-9278
NOSELLA, Paolo e GAIDARGI, Alessandra Maria Martins. Passive revolution and the formative role of philosophy in high school. Eccos Rev. Cient. [online]. 2018, n.47, pp.289-300. Epub 10-Jun-2019. ISSN 1983-9278.
This paper is a work in progress, in which we present preliminary notes that will be further developed in essays. We argue that the theoretical fruitfulness of the category “passive revolution” that Antonio Gramsci developed in his writings, provides thorough analysis and critique of the media revolution underway. The first part will illustrate the concept of “passive revolution” Gramsci. The second part will focus on the passive revolution in brazilian culture in general, and currently on the indiscriminate and extensive use of media by young high school students. The third part is a defense of the philosophy education proposed in middle school as an “instrument” of unit and responsible reconstruction of the world’s concept for young teens.
Palavras-chave : High School; Philosophy; Passive Revolution.