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Eccos Revista Científica
versão impressa ISSN 1517-1949versão On-line ISSN 1983-9278
SANTOS, Adriana Regina de Jesus; GONCALVES, José Alexandre e COSTA, Rogério da. The formation of the pedagogue in distance education: some dilemmas and possibilities. Eccos Rev. Cient. [online]. 2018, n.47, pp.301-316. Epub 10-Jun-2019. ISSN 1983-9278.
The objective of this article is to understand the profile of the education of the pedagogue and to know the differences of intentionality in relation to the “Objectives” and “Profile of Egresso” that the programs intend to form, having as a parameter two courses of Pedagogy offered in the modality of EAD, by a public and a private institution, located in the city of Telêmaco Borba, PR, as well as to analyze the perceptions of the academics in relation to their formation regarding the ethical-professional commitment. As methodological procedures we adopted the literature review, documentary survey and field work. In the review of literature, we have as theoretical support some authors, such as Freire (1983), Giroux (1992), Lessa (2012), Lukács (2013), Nóvoa (1992), Pimenta (1999), Saviani among others; in documentary research we analyzed two pedagogical projects of the mentioned courses and as field work we applied a questionnaire for data collection with the students of both institutions. At the end of the study, there was a certain ambiguity regarding the formation of the profile of the pedagogue that is sought to form, given that in the private faculty the focus was on the employability of this professional in the labor market and in the public institution. concern with the ontological, ethical and political formation of the future professional pedagogue.
Palavras-chave : Distance Education; Employability; Ontology; Pedagogist.