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Eccos Revista Científica
versão impressa ISSN 1517-1949versão On-line ISSN 1983-9278
TOMAS, Catarina e FERREIRA, Manuela. PLAYING ON EDUCATIONAL POLICIES AND EARLY CHILDHOOD PROFESSIONALS TRAINING - PORTUGAL (1997-2017). Eccos Rev. Cient. [online]. 2019, n.50, e14109. Epub 27-Jan-2024. ISSN 1983-9278.
Early Childhood Education shows a controversy between schooling on one side, and its deconstruction and pedagogy in early childhood education on the other side. To play is a children’s right and an expression of culture of childhood, and it is assumed as an informal learning holistically of central importance to their personal, social and cultural foundation. Combining Childhood Studies research (1997-2017) and Reports of Supervised Teaching Practices at professional Master graduate program’s at public and Private Higher Education Institutions in Portugal (2014-2017) - which aim to prepare educators who are going to work with children until the age of 6, we intend (i) to identify playing in the Pre-School Curriculum Guidelines (1997, 2016), and its conceptions; (ii) to analyse the Reports that deal with playing at day-care centres and kindergartens; (iii) to analyse children’s possibilities of playing, and thus having access to education. Children’s education must be seen, as a citizenship right, therefore playing is a right of children. Playing constitutes the empirical and necessary basis in order to create egalitarian counter-hegemonic pedagogical practices.
Palavras-chave : Play; Childhood Education; Logics and Meanings Attributed by the Students; Education Policies; STP Reports..