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Eccos Revista Científica
versão impressa ISSN 1517-1949versão On-line ISSN 1983-9278
GOMES, Lisandra Ogg e AQUINO, Ligia Maria Leão de. CHILDREN AND CHILDHOOD IN THE INTERFACE OF SOCIALIZATION. ISSUES TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. Eccos Rev. Cient. [online]. 2019, n.50, e14092. Epub 27-Jan-2024. ISSN 1983-9278.
On one hand, theories and documents about children legitimize them as individuals with rights and social agents. Even if there is a gap between discourses and practices focused on childhood, children, and society, it’s possible to see that children are in center of the political and pedagogical work. On the other hand, current socialization theories point to a process that is geared by the individuals, implicating in tensions and determinations, actions and contradictory and diffuse discourses, and clashes of interests and interactions between generations, individuals, and institutions. The early childhood education, the peers groups, family, and midia are important institutions in childhood because allows children to meet and act socially. With this text, based in Childhood Studies, we intend to deal with the dynamics and articulations between children and their socialization processes aiming to offer a contribution on the socio-cultural senses produced in this interface.
Palavras-chave : Children; Childhood; Processes of Socialization..