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Eccos Revista Científica
versão impressa ISSN 1517-1949versão On-line ISSN 1983-9278
ROCHA, Juliana dos Santos; ROZEK, Marlene e SERRANO, Francisco José Del Pozo. THE WAY FORWARD: LIFE AND LEARNING STORIES IN THE SOCIAL EDUCATOR’S PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL FORMATION. Eccos Rev. Cient. [online]. 2021, n.58, e11572. Epub 06-Fev-2024. ISSN 1983-9278.
This paper is about a partial cut of the Education doctoral thesis, in progress, that investigates the subjective constitution of social educators from their life stories and learning. In this reflexive effort, is it proposed to generate intelligibility on how social educator is constituted from his life stories and learning? From the inspiration in the methodology of Life History, we investigated the trajectories of a social educator and his relationships with professional and personal aspects, seeking to understand how the learning processes are part of his constitution as a teacher and social educator. The theoretical bases of the investigation refer to: Social Pedagogy, in a critical perspective; Theory of Subjectivity; Historical-cultural Psychology; and psycho pedagogical theories. The analysis of the empirical material was carried out from the Discursive Textual Analysis and the partial results are: a) the relation with his first teachers contributed significantly to the educator's constitution, as well as the relation with the African religion and the place that knowledge occupies in his worldview; b) negative experiences in school influenced his life learning processes - with family, friends, and social educators - to become central in the subjective constitution of him; c) the relationship with music and the role as a social educator had a strong participation in his personal constitution, as a person who learns and teaches.
Palavras-chave : learning; social educator; social pedagogy; subjectivity..