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Eccos Revista Científica
versão impressa ISSN 1517-1949versão On-line ISSN 1983-9278
BARCELOS, Valdo e AZZOLIN, Maria Aparecida. THE POWER AND CURRENTNESS IN THE WORK OF PEDAGOGY OF THE OPPRESSED FACING THE NEW NEOCONSERVATIVE WAVE. Eccos Rev. Cient. [online]. 2021, n.59, e12399. Epub 07-Fev-2024. ISSN 1983-9278.
This text has as its goal to reflect on the power of Freire’s work in general and, in particular, on the currentness of the Pedagogy of the Opressed as a way to face the Neo Conservative Wave that has strong roots on the fascist thought. Certainly not all nationalist/ultranationalist thought ends up in fascist regimes. However, one has to be watchful, because a nationalistic policy and the construction of a fascist state could be just one step separated from each other. In that sense, all people and institutions that have an appreciation for democracy need to be alert to the signs of exacerbation of practices and ideologies that encourage ultra-nationalistic regimes. On the other hand, one has to understand that fascism does not have only one face. On the opposite, it can present itself in many different skins. This confirmation, however, must not lead us to despair. On the opposite, it should stimulate the discomfort, to make us reflect on the Brazilian reality, and, in that sense, move us towards the direction of an education more similar to the mixed faces of the people of Pindorama. To those who cheer on the expulsion of Freire and his ideas of our schools and universities, we should answer with more Freire-inspired proposals, and not less. If we had been able to make Freire and his legacy more present in our education, a certain obscure revival would most definitely have a bigger difficulty to be reborn from the ashes of a sad-memoir, authoritarian past.
Palavras-chave : education and ultranacionalisms; neoconservative wave; pedagogy of the oppressed..