Childhood & Philosophy
Print version ISSN 2525-5061On-line version ISSN 1984-5987
SKLIAR, Carlos. Childhood, childness, the interruptions. child.philo [online]. 2012, vol.8, n.15, pp.67-81. ISSN 1984-5987.
Childhood, ours and the world's one, as it has been seen for centuries by the humanist ideal doesn't exist, is gone, hardly will return, perhaps never have existed. This soul without language, aphasic, tottering, wrecking, stunned, mismatched, collector, dreamer, naïve, put on itself in its own world, curled in its own sensations, corresponds to a period different from today. It has not survive to the globalization, to the schooling more and more precocious, neither to the perverted images of the publicity, or to the naïve representation we all reproduce. It does not survive even to the excessive hunger neither to the excessive consuming. It becomes something else. Something uniformly formless. Something that is not the 'child today at school'. It is not enough, at least for me, to dispose of a picture elaborated in advance nor of an instantaneous photography nor a quick and vanishing cinematography. The topic - child, today, school -that is not a theme, but a transbordation of questions, requires something like detention, care, but at the same time requires to assume risks, to put into play extreme perceptions. Not only the concept "child today at school", quick and accurate that, perhaps, can then be sublimated by someone I don't know.
Keywords : Childhood; Humanism; School..