Childhood & Philosophy
Print version ISSN 2525-5061On-line version ISSN 1984-5987
MARTINS, Fabiana. For a affect pedagogy: learning as sign deciphering. child.philo [online]. 2012, vol.8, n.15, pp.83-104. ISSN 1984-5987.
In this essay we aim to present a brief philosophical study about learning by turning against the tendency of some pedagogical discourses that conceive of learning as a second plane figure in the binomial: teach-learn. Our hypothesis is that this happens because of the centrality of such a method in the educational process. We aim to move learning to the first plane, and for these reasons, we assume that it is important to unlink the binomial of teach-learn by decentralizing this method in the educational process. We found Gilles Deleuze to be our principal partner in this task because, in his view, learning is related to the interpretation of signs. Learning as an interpretation of signs means that learning is an experience of searching for the meaning of the signs by which we have been affected. In this way, Deleuze grants us the possibility for imagining learning untied not only from a teaching method, but also from the common idea that learning means acquiring knowledge. Our effort here will be to articulate Deleuze´s ideas about learning by examining his concepts of "thought", "creation" and "problem", all of which are crucial to Deleuze's educational approach. Basically, we have tried to propose another vision for learning considering, on one hand, the conception of learning as interpretation of signs, and on the other hand, the notion of what we call here "pedagogy of affection".
Keywords : Learn; Method; Signs; Deleuze; Pedagogy of affects..