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vol.14 número29A escrita compartilhada. Monteiro lobato, rãzinha e a reforma da natureza"Precisamos falar do recreio!" - a construção do comum pelas crianças na escola índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Childhood & Philosophy

versão impressa ISSN 2525-5061versão On-line ISSN 1984-5987


RODRIGUES, Camila. Pedro bloch: a listener of the children's grace. child.philo [online]. 2018, vol.14, n.29, pp.109-128. ISSN 1984-5987.

In the second half of the twentieth century, the medical doctor, journalist and writer Pedro Bloch (1914-2004), maintained a humorous section telling children stories in the magazines Manchete and Pais & Filhos, which later turned into books: his children's anecdotes. In addition to himself talking to his little patients in the office and collecting raw material to write his texts, Bloch also encouraged his readers and well-known adults to listen to the boys, so that they could experience the revealing contact as that peculiar perception of the world, which is the precisely what he sought to express in his anecdotes. The intention to listen to the children and to dialogue with them was the key to the work of the Bloch with the children, what we call Project "Criança diz cada uma!", but also corresponded to a trend at the time, followed by intellectuals like João Guimarães Rosa and Walter Benjamin, who went not only to listen to the children, but also to record their utterances, always with the intention of inserting them in the historical cultural dialogue. In this text we try to present the work of Bloch with the humor and the orality of the children, and also to discuss its consequences for the writing of a new History of the childhood, that also considers the voice of the small ones about themselves.

Palavras-chave : child; humor; pedro bloch.

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