Childhood & Philosophy
Print version ISSN 2525-5061On-line version ISSN 1984-5987
FERNANDES, Rosana Aparecida and OLIVEIRA, José Menna. Who are the authentic unquiet of contemporary times?. child.philo [online]. 2018, vol.14, n.29, pp.259-278. ISSN 1984-5987.
In this paper, we work on bringing together, throughout five sections, philosophy, education and neuroscience, through thoughts of some authors such as Nietzsche, Spinoza, Deleuze, Bergson, Jaspers, Hannah Arendt, Ortega Y Gasset and Kapur. In the "Some kind of difficulty to understand attention" section we approach concepts related to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). We suggest that a pharmacological treatment using psychostimulants may be understood as a way to program affections, since it interferes with the neural mechanism of the salience coding. We warn, in the segment "Some knowledge about the bodies", about how the ability to pay attention or to stay focused is connected with how much affirmative engagement there is between the affected body and the body or the object affecting it. The characteristics of studying and of the student are problematized in "Some understading about education", and we affirm: students study to learn about their own strengths and sensitivities, to reach the required competence to satisfy their needs, not someone else's. In "A way to wander and learn", we talk about the cartographic capacity of the bodies - the ability to wander and select what raises the potency of thinking, experimenting and living. Lastly, in "Other possible paths" we resume ideas, we intertwine issues, and we ask about paths, routes, changes.
Keywords : attention; education; philosophy; neuroscience.