Childhood & Philosophy
Print version ISSN 2525-5061On-line version ISSN 1984-5987
MELO, Eduardo Rezende and SCHILLING, Flavia. Childhood and the (un)speakable: ubuesco power, resistance, and the possibility of justice. child.philo [online]. 2021, vol.17, e56126. Epub Feb 24, 2021. ISSN 1984-5987.
The article, as part of a broader reflection on the criticism of the right to development and its impact on the modes of legal and political subjectivation of children and adolescents, questions the child's condition as a subject without speech, or a speech conditioned to criteria of maturation, dictated by the adult referential, in a field, moreover, limited to what is said to be pertinent to their manifestation. Guided by the thought of exteriority, we return to the Foucauldian debate on the relation between truth and justice, in light of the monstrous unspeakability of legal and judicial practices and the ubuesco of state power. We will analyze, through the contributions of classic cynicism (kynismos), supported by Foucault, and Sloterdijk, Nieheus-Pröbsting, the resistant practices - beyond language - available to children and adolescents, and rethink these power struggles in the context of human rights and the possibility of justice, through the thought of Derrida, Rancière, Butler and Foucault. Our text will develop along the following axes of analysis: 1. Contextualizing the Foucaultian debate on truth and justice and the place of the “sayable”; 2. Considering the (in)sayability at the heart of law, childhood and monstrosity; 3. Framing the struggle between ubuesco power and cynic resistance, and 4. Speculating on our notions of “child” and the possibility of justice.
Keywords : childhood; truth; resistence; kynismos; human rights; justice.