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Educação UFSM
versão On-line ISSN 1984-6444
IZA, Dijnane Fernanda Vedovatto e MELLO, Maria Aparecida. Significado e sentido da atividade de brincadeira para professoras de educação infantil. Educação. Santa Maria [online]. 2009, vol.34, n.02, pp.279-294. ISSN 1984-6444.
In this paper we discusses the importance of the childish education teachers clearly know about the meaning and the sense of the play activities with children 0 a 6 years old. This is part of doctor thesis from among of goals, one of them was to unveil the meaning and sense of the play activities attributed by childish education teachers. Part of the methodology used in the research involved interview with five childish education teachers who participated of a course about o theme and, so, video-records about yours routines and activities with the children. The results denote that the meaning and sense attributed by these teachers at to propose play activities for the children are connected to understanding of this activity as generating of the learns for this ages and, therefore, it needs to be developed with pleasure. The changes in the practices with the children are attribute to the courses which the teachers change experiences, discusses problems, suggest solutions and enlarge the possibilities about yours practices with children, which can to mean the improvement of the childish education quality. From There the importance of the public politics invest in the actions to the continuing childish teacher education by partnership with the university, so that the teachers can enlarge yours conceptions about the play activities and feel safety about to propose and to encourage these activities between children.
Palavras-chave : Meaning and Purposes About Plays; Childhood Education Teachers; Principal Play Activities.