Educação UFSM
On-line version ISSN 1984-6444
VASCONCELLOS, Vanessa Alves da Silveira de and OLIVEIRA, Valeska Maria Fortes de. Pedagogia universitária e formação docente: em foco o programa Ciclus. Educação. Santa Maria [online]. 2011, vol.36, n.02, pp.235-249. ISSN 1984-6444.
Teacher education is a continuous process that happens in a particular manner for each teacher, according to the experiences one goes through. Each teacher is responsible for his/her own education which, through both personal and professional experiences, mobilizes knowledge and actions that shape his/her educational practice. Such perspective guides this work, that is originated from a research developed through a partnership between Brazil and Portugal, concerning the education of university teachers, in order to know the meanings attributed by them about both their role as teachers and their own education. It is a qualitative research based on the theoretical and methodological approach of Life History, focusing on the professional history and on the education process of faculty that take part of the CICLUS program at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Such investigation/education is producing results about the processes of teaching and learning rwithin higher education teaching through its participants from different areas of knowledge, considering the comprehension of the instituted teaching educational experience of novice teachers in higher education.
Keywords : Higher Education Pedagogy; Education; Teaching.