Educação UFSM
On-line version ISSN 1984-6444
ICLE, Gilberto and BELO, Márcia Pessoa dal. A performance da oralidade docente. Educação. Santa Maria [online]. 2014, vol.39, n.03, pp.529-539. ISSN 1984-6444.
This text presents the orality as performance faculty, drawing on different authors to characterize the work of teachers. It uses Stanislavski’s work to exemplify the situations between actor and professor. It discusses the centrality of orality as content and as a method of the theatrical work. Thus, discusses the orality of the professor as an instrument through which the teacher makes his own voice a poem, making it the vehicle of pedagogical work. This text relies especially on Bauman, Zumthor and Schechner to circumscribe the orality as central theme teaching didactics theatrical. This paper advocates the possibility of thinking the pedagogical task in theater as an act of oral performance.
Keywords : Performance; Teaching; Education.