Educação UFSM
Print version ISSN 0101-9031On-line version ISSN 1984-6444
SANTIN, Rafael Henrique and OLIVEIRA, Terezinha. The teacher training in the 13td century: a study on synderesis and conscience in de veritate of Thomas Aquinas. Educação. Santa Maria [online]. 2019, vol.44, e30682. Epub Nov 11, 2020. ISSN 1984-6444.
This article is about the proposal of Thomas Aquinas for the formation of teachers and professors, in the Occidental Christians Civilization. Ours analysis, inserted in the History of Education and founded on Social History, has an objective to demonstrate how Thomas Aquinas, Dominican theologue of the 13td century, understands the formation of teachers and professors from a corpus theoretical-educational that is focused in the profound knowledge of human nature and in the political commitment with a determined project of civilization. In this sense, is important to consider the relationship between the ethic and the teacher training on the Thomas Aquinas’ work. The fonts for this article are the Questions 16 and 17 of the De Veritate, that are about the synderesis and the conscience. Thus, the problem is why the teachers and professors of the 13td century needed to know these elements of human action.
Keywords : History of Medieval Education; Formation of teachers and professors; Thomas Aquinas.