Educação UFSM
Print version ISSN 0101-9031On-line version ISSN 1984-6444
VINCI, Christian Fernando Ribeiro Guimarães and RIBEIRO, Cintya Regina. The art of disappearance as a groping thought experiment: contributions to educational research. Educação. Santa Maria [online]. 2021, vol.46, e44292. Epub Dec 01, 2023. ISSN 1984-6444.
This article aims to discuss the so-called essayistic form of thinking and its impact for the field of educational research. From the triangulation of forces between the thinking of Michel de Montaigne, Enrique Vila Matas and Gilles Deleuze-Felix Guattari, the study explores how, in the dawn of modern subjectivity, a certain art of portraiture produced from the essayistic form developed by Montaigne, produces a groping mode of thought experimentation whose horizon turns to a condition of disappearance. This work aims to study this distinctive portrait art dedicated to disappearance, focusing on its fabulous power, as well as explore its resonances in the ways we conceive the researcher's craft, especially in the educational field, as opposed to another portrait art called cartesian and developed by René Descartes. The discussion points out that the disappearance, by establishing another geography of thought, enables the educational researcher to mobilize other procedures in order to research the unthinkable.
Keywords : Disappearance; Essay; Educational Researche.