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vol.08 número02Materiais pedagógicos e tecnologias: avanços e obstáculos na formação continuada em educação ambientalAprendizagem no ensino superior: aplicação de um jogo didático na área de estatística índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 1984-7114


DELPRETTO, Bárbara Martins de Lima; FORTES, Caroline Côrrea  e  FREITAS, Soraia Napoleão. Olhar e oportunidade aos alunos com potencial superior: uma experiência aberta ao diálogo. Contrapontos [online]. 2008, vol.08, n.02, pp.271-279. ISSN 1984-7114.

The article discusses the service offered to pupils with high potential, based on experiences in Extension Project ‘PIT - Programa de Incentivo ao Talento’ (program to Encourage Talent), of the Federal University of Santa Maria. This proposal for a specialized education service for pupils with high potential is substantiated in the philosophical foundations that form the basis of inclusive education and through the Model of School Enrichment proposed by Renzulli (Renzulli and Reis, 2000). Based on this theoretical-methodological framework, the study sought to promote the benefits of stimulation and enrichment, for children with superior potential.

Palavras-chave : Special Education; Student with High Potential; Educational Service.

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