On-line version ISSN 1984-7114
ALVES, Solange Maria et al. Vamos brincar de quê? Reflexões sobre a brincadeira de papéis sociais como conteúdo da mediação pedagógica com a infância. Contrapontos [online]. 2010, vol.10, n.01, pp.29-40. ISSN 1984-7114.
Conceived based in the concept of main activity of the historic-cultural school of psychology, the game becomes no longer a natural thing of childhood, but comes to constitute itself as a space and time that is crucial in the appropriation of human inventions, especially those of a symbolic order, born out of the concrete relations of human life. From this perspective, the school becomes a privileged field for strategies focused on the development of complex forms of thought, the game becomes place of observation, and the language contained in it, the language content present in the act of playing becomes the target of an attentive, careful and intentional pedagogic look. Is this what actually happens? In this text we seek to clarify some data collected in a survey carried out to verify this relationship between the social roles game and educational practice with children.
Keywords : Papers Games; Socio-Historical Approach; Pedagogical Mediation.