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vol.10 issue02Polícia e escola: aparando arestasColégio Agrícola Nilo Peçanha: gestão e competências socioambientais na formação do técnico em meio ambiente author indexsubject indexarticles search
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On-line version ISSN 1984-7114


ROSSO, Ademir José  and  SANTOS, Franciely Ribeiro dos. Terceira idade, natalidade e educação ambiental numa perspectiva intergeracional e arendtiana. Contrapontos [online]. 2010, vol.10, n.02, pp.166-176. ISSN 1984-7114.

The paper presents a study to evaluate the including of elderly people as actors in environmental education (EE). The research is based on Hannah Arendt’s concept of birth and Paulo Freire’s dialogical education. In the initial information gathering stage, a mapping was carried out of the environmental changes through the oral history of eleven senior citizens. The second stage was based on the principles of action research and forms part of the study of memories gathered in interviews, followed by two intergenerational encounters, with seventy-one students in fifth and sixth grades of elementary school, and four senior citizens. Analysis of the data demonstrates that the elderly take responsibility for the new generations, and the students understand the meaning of the environmental transformations that have occurred over the past fi fty years in the city, and that intergenerational dialogue is part of the EE.

Keywords : Environmental Education; Third Age; Natality; Intergenerational Education; Memory.

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