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vol.11 issue02Teachers and children in the first year of nine-year elementary education: challenges and expectationsRegulation of the curriculum in nine-year elementary education author indexsubject indexarticles search
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On-line version ISSN 1984-7114


SILVA, Antonia Almeida; UZEDA, Leomárcia Oliveira Caffé  and  ALMEIDA, Tamar Antunes de. Social space and school space: interfaces and contradictions in the context of nine year-elementary education. Contrapontos [online]. 2011, vol.11, n.02, pp.161-169. ISSN 1984-7114.

This article discusses the spaces designated for children entering nine-year Elementary Education established by law 11.274/2006. This analysis was the result of a study carried out in the period 2007 to 2010, involving thirteen public schools in Salvador and Feira de Santana - BA. It highlights the relationship between the school space and the social space, and was guided by two questions: how is the theme of the school dealt with in the debate on nine-year Elementary Education, and how does it interact with the social space occupied by six-year-old children? The results of the survey indicate that the school space has failed to break down the barriers of formality in the process of inclusion of six-year-old children in compulsory education, reiterating the close relationship between the social places and the educational spaces of the subjects involved in the educational process in question.

Keywords : Elementary Education; School Space; Social Space.

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