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vol.13 issue02Currículo, a construção das identidades de gênero e a formação dos professoresO pragmatismo clássico americano e a filosofia da diferença: questões para a educação author indexsubject indexarticles search
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On-line version ISSN 1984-7114


HENNING, Paula Corrêa  and  GARRE, Bárbara Hees. Alguns discursos da pedagogia sob análise: ciência moderna e reduplicação do homem. Contrapontos [online]. 2013, vol.13, n.02, pp.110-119. ISSN 1984-7114.

This article seeks to problematize some very powerful speeches of science and gain strength in the scenario of Pedagogy from the 80s. We analyze two works of teacher training applicants in dealing Pedagogy as a science of education. We use this study as a theoretical especially Michel Foucault, discussing the effects produced by some sayings that cross, invent and produce this field of knowledge. Problematize this, understanding that it is produced by some discourses that seek legitimization of education as a human science. In this text we discuss some concepts of modern science that cross and form Pedagogy as a science education; problematize the discourses of reduplication man’s earning power and productivity of knowledge in this field, making it a condition of possibility for the humanities emerge while science. Provokes the reader to think our teachers do put in doubt the truths that had long dwelt in also.

Keywords : Education; Pedagogy; Humanities.

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