On-line version ISSN 1984-7114
LETTNIN, Carla et al. Resilience and Education: theoretical and practical contributions to teaching. Contrapontos [online]. 2014, vol.14, n.2, pp.322-338. ISSN 1984-7114.
This article analyzes theoretical and practical aspects of resilience in the area of education, and more specifically, in teaching, in order to gather information for further studies on the subject of teacher's malaise/wellbeing, as well as enabling support for teachers. We chose a qualitative approach, using as a source of data works published in the CAPES and ANPED databases, in 2009. Our analysis revealed the following categories: Resilience, adolescence and school, Resilience and teacher's knowledge, Resilience and sheltering institutions. We conclude that resilience has been understood as the subject's capacity to overcome adversity in a positive way. It is therefore necessary in the educational environment, as it favors the promotion of the teacher's mental and emotional health, enabling them to experience wellbeing in the profession, and creating a favorable teaching environment for students' learning.
Keywords : Teacher Malaise; Resilience; Teacher Wellbeing.