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vol.14 número03Formação continuada dos professores dos anos finais do ensino fundamental: necessidades formativasEnvio de cartas. Práticas educativas e criação em escrileituras índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 1984-7114


MACHADO, Juliana Aquino; YUNES, Maria Angela Mattar  y  SILVA, Gilberto Ferreira da. A formação continuada de professores em serviço na perspectiva da abordagem ecológica do desenvolvimento humano. Contrapontos [online]. 2014, vol.14, n.03, pp.512-526. ISSN 1984-7114.

This reflective article seeks to understand continuing education of teachers from Urie Bronfenbrenner’s perspective of the ecological approach to human development. It discusses the professional of continuing education at work, in the school environment and in other contexts involved in the process of human development and training, among which the school is emphasized. Thinking about continuing education at work, and taking into account such concepts of the systemic perspective, leads to the understanding of this space, not only as a space for participation, but also as a space of multiple interactions and dialogues in constant construction, that generate influences on the processes of human development. It is therefore concluded that the ecological view helps to implement the aims of continuing education of workers on the job, promoting the professional in training, both in their proximal context and in the other different processes that emerge from the day-to-day interactions.

Palabras clave : Continuing Education of Teachers; Ecological Approach; Human Development.

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