On-line version ISSN 1984-7114
CARVALHO, Elma Júlia Gonçalves de and WONSIK, Ester Cristiane. Current Educational Policies: valorization and deficiency of the teaching profession. Contrapontos [online]. 2015, vol.15, n.3, pp.373-393. ISSN 1984-7114.
This analysis addresses policies to promote the teaching profession proposed since 1990, and shows that they have been the cause of deficiencies in the working conditions of these professionals. Initially, considering that the Brazilian educational reform is largely based on criteria established by international organizations, we address the discourse on the promotion of teaching work. We then focus on the Brazilian educational policies, establishing a relationship between the presumed valorization and deficiencies in the teaching conditions. Finally, understanding that the policies express wider social relationships, we link the new working conditions to changes in the working environment in general, and offer some considerations on the current educational policy with regard to the working conditions of the teaching profession.
Keywords : Teaching; Valorization; Deficiency.