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vol.17 issue3GENDER AND TEACHING: A VIEW FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF PEDAGOGY STUDENTS author indexsubject indexarticles search
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On-line version ISSN 1984-7114


VENDRAMINI, Célia Regina. YOUNG MIGRANTS FACING THE CHALLENGE OF WORKING AND STUDYING. Contrapontos [online]. 2017, vol.17, n.3, pp.427-440. ISSN 1984-7114.

The article looks at the interconnections between migration, work and schooling, considering the reality of youth in the public middle schools in Florianopolis. The problematic takes respect of the difficulties in combing schooling and work, especially in the case of migrant students. The mobility of youth or their family affects their studies, leading to a discontinuity and interruption of school, which can lead to dropping out or failing. This paper is based on questionaries, focus group and interviews with students. We analyze the problems working class youth face to continue studying while also working which can lead to migration instead of continuing school.

Keywords : Migration; School; Work.

        · abstract in Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )