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versão On-line ISSN 1984-7114
EUGENIO, Josiane; CASAGRANDE, Maria Aparecida e VOLPATO, Gildo. REFLECTIONS ON EDUCATION, CHILDHOOD AND GENDER: ANALYSIS OF THE FILM THE FISHERMAN´S DIARY. Contrapontos [online]. 2022, vol.22, n.2, pp.126-138. Epub 12-Dez-2022. ISSN 1984-7114.
This study conducted a quantitative analysis the film The Fisherman’s Diary, which addresses different forms of violence and prejudice suffered by women and girls living in a fishing village in Cameroon/ Central Africa. its aim was to understand the conceptions of childhood, education and gender portrayed in the film, and the role of education in the emancipation of girls and women. As theoretical background to the analyses, we made use of authors such as Vigotsky (2011), Cohn (2005), Freire (1996, 2002), Ivic (2010) and Louro (1997, 2011). Based on the facts that occurred in the film, we see the power of education, revealing that access to education can greatly enhance the possibility of transforming the lives of these girls and women. The reflections developed point to the importance of thinking about and fighting for policies to prevent gender violence and to care for the childhood of girls and women, as a way of improving social justice and building a more egalitarian and humane world.
Palavras-chave : The Fisherman´s diary; Education; Childhood; Genre.