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GODOI, Marcos  and  BORGES, Cecilia. Supervision of students’ practices by Physical Education teachers. Rev. Motriviv. [online]. 2020, vol.32, n.62, e67584.  Epub May 01, 2020. ISSN 2175-8042.

This research aimed to describe and analyze the supervision of students’ practices by teachers in Physical Education classes. Four teachers participated in this qualitative research-intervention study. The method of simple and cross self-confrontation from the Activity Clinic was used to analyze the supervision of the practices. The teachers watched the videos of their classes and talked about the different ways of acting during the supervision activity. Five episodes of teaching were described and analyzed. Different types of supervision of students’ practices were identified: silent observation, flash, stop and tracking interventions. The analysis promoted awareness of supervisory practices as well as the visualization of other ways of supervising students’ work, which may contribute to the expansion of teachers’ power to act in future teaching situations.

Keywords : Teaching; Physical education; Teachers; Supervision of practices.

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