Servicios Personalizados
Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos
versión On-line ISSN 2176-6681
BOTTENTUIT JUNIOR, João Batista. Análise de WebQuests em língua portuguesa disponíveis on-line: aspectos relativos à qualidade dos componentes e da usabilidade. R. Bras. Est. Pedag. [online]. 2009, vol.90, n.224, pp.102-121. ISSN 2176-6681.
WebQuest is a very simple and rich model aiming at the educational potential of the Internet, based on the collaborative learning and on the investigative processes concerning the knowledge construction that embraces millions of proposals from worldwide educators. However, many of the WebQuests that are available on-line do not follow the minimum quality patterns about levels of components and usability, and some of them are either simple pieces of exercises on-line or WebExercises. In this article, 483 WebQuests (written in Portuguese and available on-line from July to October, 2007) were counted and surveyed, as well as analyzed. The evaluation was focused on the components and on some indicators linked to usability. The results showed that most failures (concerning components) are on tasks, resources and evaluation; and the biggest failure (concerning usability) is the lack of menu in most of the samples analyzed. It was also verified that only 41% of the WebQuests were really true ones. The other ones were simple WebExercises with daily activities that do not lead the student to take any advantage of the educational potential that the web offers on knowledge construction.
Palabras clave : Webquest; Webexercise; Usability; Internet.