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vol.91 issue227Evolução das matrículas na etapa elementar de escolarização no Brasil de 1932 a 2003Políticas de organização curricular para a escola pública em tempo integral: as lições de uma experiência author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos

On-line version ISSN 2176-6681


GOMES, Candido Alberto et al. Reforço escolar: gastos e desigualdades sociais. R. Bras. Est. Pedag. [online]. 2010, vol.91, n.227, pp.55-74. ISSN 2176-6681.

Tutoring and failure coexist as two sides of the same coin: an exclusionary and of dubious quality educational system. Thus, considering that tutoring increases costs to society and, therefore, to their citizens, it should be better investigated. In the perspective of measuring household expenditure on this activity, an exploratory research with high school students in one public and another private school of the Federal District was carried out. The results show significant differences in expenditures on tutoring, depending on the kind of maintenance of the school, indicating another source of social and educational inequality. Unlike the previous literature, no relationship was found between the level of mother’s education and expenditure on tutoring. As in Portugal, also in Brazil tutoring is a way to promote success, especially in competitive examinations, filling gaps in regular school.

Keywords : Tutoring; Economics of Education; Household Expenditure on Education; Educational Costs; Social Structure; High School.

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