Servicios Personalizados
Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos
versión On-line ISSN 2176-6681
DIAS-DA-SILVA, Maria Helena G. Frem. Reinterpretando conceitos cristalizados com os professores: um degrau prévio para enfrentar os dilemas profissionais docentes. R. Bras. Est. Pedag. [online]. 2011, vol.92, n.231, pp.341-369. ISSN 2176-6681.
The article discusses questions related to the elementary school final years as well as the results of a collaborative research university-school in order to boost the teachers professional development. The research took place in a São Paulo State public school. Aiming at the teachers daily basis dilemmas, one analyzed the pedagogical choices and viable alternatives concerning their work context. Situations were analyzed and it showed the importance to consider and, at the same time, to analyze, in a collaborative way, the teacher knowledge and to problematize it including theoretical and research contributions. These are fundamental steps to combat the teacher professional dilemmas and to transform their practice. It is fundamental to rethink the process, rethink within context.
Palabras clave : Elementary School; Teacher; Teacher Knowledge; Collaborative Research Methodology.