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vol.94 issue238Indicadores de qualidade do ensino fundamental: o uso das tecnologias de mineração de dados e de visões multidimensionais para apoio à análise e definição de políticas públicasEncceja: cenário de disputas na EJA author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos

On-line version ISSN 2176-6681


SILVA, Jamerson Antonio de Almeida da  and  SILVA, Katharine Ninive Pinto. A hegemonia às avessas no Programa Mais Educação. R. Bras. Est. Pedag. [online]. 2013, vol.94, n.238, pp.701-720. ISSN 2176-6681.

This article analyzes the concept of integral education More Education Program, “new strategy” for the Federal Government’s “comprehensive education full time” in Brazilian public schools. Through the analysis of documents underlying the program, we find the proposition intercultural education, seated in intersectoral management and systemic, which are presented as instruments of democratization and innovation, capable of improving the quality of education.

Keywords : Integral Education; Postmodernism; Neoliberalism.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )