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vol.95 issue241Perception of college students about access to higher education: an exploratory studyLearning in higher education: relations with the predisposition of students to be involved in lifelong learning author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos

On-line version ISSN 2176-6681


FELICETTI, Vera Lucia. Engagement of ProUni students: access, persistence and academic background. R. Bras. Est. Pedag. [online]. 2014, vol.95, n.241, pp.526-543. ISSN 2176-6681.

This study aimed to determine issues related to access, retention and academic education of students, who were awarded scholarships from the Programa Universidade para Todos (ProUni). The methodology was quantitative and qualitative, explanatory objective and used ex post fact technical procedure. The research involved 198 Prounistas from a nonprofit higher education institution of Rio Grande do Sul, who graduated in 2010 and answered the survey instrument (134). The results showed increased access to higher education for students from minority groups; pointed commitment as a factor for overcoming difficulties in the academic path; and showed a positive relationship between employability, work and satisfaction; also, they indicated a positive influence on people's household and, by extension, on the society, in relation to resuming and/or continuing their studies.

Keywords : Engagement; Access; Permanence; Academic Background.

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