On-line version ISSN 2177-6059
CASAGRANDE, Maria Aparecida and RABELO, Giani. História, memória e gênero: um estudo sobre as primeiras alunas da Academia da Polícia Civil de Santa Catarina. Roteiro. UNOESC [online]. 2014, vol.39, n.01, pp.123-146. ISSN 2177-6059.
This article explores the entrance of the first students of the Training courses of the Police Academy of Santa Catarina Civil Police (Acadepol/SC) between the years 1967 and 1977, first decade of the Academy. The outstanding role in the discussions are the memories of women police officers in relation to personal experiences on entry into the Civil Police of Santa Catarina. Based on documents and interviews with eight women who joined in the mentioned period, the study indicates situations relating to gender relations in the profession. It was noticed that the entry of women in this professional space considered masculine, do not reinforce relations of discrimination and prejudice of labor relations, but challenges and contributes to give visibility to women in a space monopolized by men.
Keywords : Women Police; Genre; Memory.