On-line version ISSN 2177-6059
LEMOS JUNIOR, Wilson and MIGUEL, Maria Elisabeth Blanck. A legislação para o ensino de arte e música (1985-2008). Roteiro. UNOESC [online]. 2014, vol.39, n.01, pp.171-184. ISSN 2177-6059.
This paper aimed to verify the situation of art and music teaching in Brazilian legislation between the years 1985 and 2008. Four official educational documents were analysed: the 1996 Law of Guidelines and Bases (LDB) n. 9.394, the 1997-1998 National Curriculum Parameters (PCN) the Curriculum Guidelines for higher education of music and the Law n. 11.769, of 2008 which makes music education mandatory in Brazilian schools. It aimed to give an overview of the current status of legislation about the art and music teaching, assessing the importance and the inconsistencies of this subject in Brazilian schools.
Keywords : Music Education; Brazilian Educational Legislation; Art.