On-line version ISSN 2177-6059
RODRIGUEZ, Margarita Victoria; NUCCI, Leandro Picolli and BRITO, Silvia Helena Andrade de. The Parfor and your operation in Mato Grosso do Sul (2009-2011). Roteiro. UNOESC [online]. 2015, vol.40, n.1, pp.51-78. ISSN 2177-6059.‐6059-v40n1201501060003.
This article is about the implementation of the National Plan for Training of Basic Education Teachers (Parfor), between 2009 and 2011, in Mato Grosso do Sul. Therefore, it analyzes the Parfor inside the context of the teacher training politics from Governments Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff, and its implementation in Mato Grosso do Sul, based on documents and interviews made with its leaders. The analysis shows the difficulties of the course participants to attend courses on account of to the precarious conditions offered by the state Government for the accession of its faculty to the Program. In this sense, become the responsibility of the course participants to create conditions for their stay in the Program, mischaracterizing, therefore, the State's responsibility with their training.
Keywords : Parfor; Teacher Training; Collaborative..