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versão impressa ISSN 0104-4311versão On-line ISSN 2177-6059
MARCON, Telmo. Education and democracy: political formation for a living in a plural society. Roteiro. UNOESC [online]. 2015, vol.40, n.2, pp.377-394. ISSN 2177-6059.
With this study, we aimed to reflect about the challenges of an education for democracy in the context of complex societies, in which diversity and plurality are evidenced with more intensity. Seeking to achieve this goal, in this study, some criticisms to democracy are contextualized, some assumptions of an education to democracy are analyzed and the study is concluded pointing to some challenges placed to the social institutions, particularly to the school, in order to fulfill its function of intellectual and political forming of citizens. The thesis here defended is that democracy, conceived as a political organization and a way of life, constitutes a fecund perspective for facing and overcoming conflicts and for a social coexistence founded in the dialogue.
Palavras-chave : Education; Educational Policy; Democracy; Democratic Administration.