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versão impressa ISSN 0104-4311versão On-line ISSN 2177-6059
SILVA, José Cláudio Sooma e FERREIRA, Andréa Miguel Abrantes. Disputes, negotiations and strains: the emergency of Instituto de Educação de Belford Roxo, RJ. Roteiro. UNOESC [online]. 2018, vol.43, n.2, pp.649-672. ISSN 2177-6059.
This article comprises a series of researches in History of Education that have selected public educational policies and different experiences of teacher training as subjects of study. The focus of this study is the Educacional Institute (CIEP Brizolão 380 Joracy Camargo), located in the Municipality of Belford Roxo, RJ, between the period of 1996 to 2006. Concerning this scope, some questions arouse regarding the reasons that boosted the opening of this Educational Institute directed to work with teacher training on High School level. Furthermore, the inauguration occured during a period in which two important events were taking place: the Municipality emancipation and the enactment of LDB n. 9.394/96 that emphasized the necessity of a University degree for all teachers working in the Basic Education.
Palavras-chave : History of Education; Educacional Institute; Teacher training; Belford Roxo..