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versión On-line ISSN 2177-6059
ZANOTTO, Luana; ALVES, Fernando Donizete y SOMMERHALDER, Aline. From the rural area to the urban school: problematizing pedagogical relations between teachers and children. Roteiro [online]. 2019, vol.44, n.3, e17773. Epub 20-Mar-2019. ISSN 2177-6059.
This study focuses on the pedagogical practices of two teachers - pedagogue and physical educator - in relation with a group of children who live in the countryside, inserted in a municipal school located in the urban area of a city in the state of São Paulo. In this direction, the study aimed to understand how is the interaction between teachers and children in the context of pedagogical practices. The participants were eleven children students of the third year of elementary school and two teachers responsible for the class (an pedagogue and a physical educator). Based on qualitative research was conducted participant observation in two school spaces where children and teachers live together: in the classroom and on the sports field. For systematization of information were done records out in a field diary. All the collected material was interpreted and categorized through content analysis. The results reveal positive relationships between teachers and children. On the other hand, it shows the difficulties faced in pedagogical practices with the rural population inserted in the urban school, especially as concern the differentiations of life contexts that pervade the countryside where children live. Thus, there is an implication in the experiential knowledge built in school intramural, which lead to the reflection on how is the initial and ongoing training of teachers who work with children living in the countryside.
Palabras clave : Pedagogical Practices; Children of the countryside; Urban school..